Mandatory Courses


Students in the basic level are introduced to the vocabulary, structure and content of academic articles and to the reading and analytical skills needed to understand simple academic texts.  Students are taught, for example, to find and understand the main ideas and supporting details, to scan in order to find desired information and to understand vocabulary in context. Verbal and listening competence is encouraged and enhanced through class discussions and exposure to audiovisual material in English. Read More

Lower Advanced ("Mitkadmim Aleph")

The purpose of the course is to enable the students to improve their reading and analysis of academic articles written in English.  Students are introduced to the structure of different academic genres and acquainted with the phraseology and vocabulary used in academic writing. Read More

Upper Advanced ("Mitkadmim Bet")

The course aims to give students the advanced strategies needed to become independent and critical readers of English.  Amongst the strategies taught are recognizing the structure and genre of a text, identifying the main ideas,  the writer’s point of view, and analyzing and evaluating the claims in light of supporting arguments and evidence. Students are taught to conceptualize a writer’s ideas, or when listening to a lecture, the lecturer’s ideas, formulate responses to them, and express them in appropriate spoken and written language. Read More