The Unit of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) offers English language courses and English language support to the members of the Hebrew University community.
- Core Modules
To help students meet the university’s English language threshold level (“exemption level”), the EFL Unit offers English language modules on all four campuses: Mt. Scopus, Safra, Ein Kerem, and on the Rehovot campus. Each core module is a one-semester course, beginning at the Basic level (6 academic hours a week), moving up to Lower Advanced (4 academic hours a week), and finally to the Upper Advanced level (4 academic hours a week).
The Unit’s Core Modules are designed to help students acquire language skill in all language modalities: reception, production, interaction, and mediation. The courses aim to provide students with the communication skills they need in order to take part in and contribute to the conversation in academic and professional settings. Module LOs are aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
The Core Modules are set up along a pyramid model, becoming increasingly specified to disciplinary needs as the level rises.
Please note that different departments set different entry level English requirements. Check here ( to see the entry level for your department.
- Postgraduate Courses
Academic writing for postgraduate students
The EFL Unit offers advanced academic writing modules in English for MA and PhD students. Each module in the advanced program is designed specifically for the work that students in each department are expected to submit, in consultation with department heads and advisors. Participants acquire the skills and knowledge for producing various genres of academic writing and publication, including master’s theses, doctoral dissertations, and articles intended for publication, as well as other professional genres, such as grant or fellowship applications and research or teaching statements.Oral communication for special population postgraduate students
The EFL Unit offers a course in academic communication for students from special populations, with a focus on oral interaction and presentation skills.More information : Academic writing