Summer Session

The EFL Unit offers Core Modules in the summer on the Mt. Scopus campus. Dates vary from year to year. Information for the current year is published at the beginning of June of the same year. Students registering for summer courses, including the Upper Advanced module, are charged separate tuition fees, which are different from the fee charged during the fall or spring semesters.

The EFL summer session is open to non-enrolled students as well at a higher tuition rate.

See the information about meetings dates , exam dates and prices in the attached file  below


Summer modules

The summer Basic module takes place over 6 weeks, with classes meeting three afternoons a week, and more frequently during some weeks. Schedule varies per year and is published in the spring of each year. Total academic hours: 78

The summer Lower and Upper Advanced modules take place over 4 weeks, with classes meeting every morning or afternoon Sunday through Thursday. Total academic hours: 52

The Upper Advanced modules may not be streamed by disciplinary clusters as they are during the fall and spring semesters (see here for more information on the disciplinary streams), depending on the number of enrolled students and their disciplinary association.